
I am a really bad procrastinator and I absolutely hate it. When it is Monday and I know I have homework, it bugs me while I do other things because in the back of my mind I know I need to be doing my homework first. I have no internet at my house, so I have to go to my boyfriends, moms or grandmas to do homework, so what I have been doing lately is doing it all in one day. It may seem unorganized to do it that way, but for some reason it helps me think a lot better. When I am in the zone doing homework, I just want to keep going. I don’t want to stop and break my mood. I just start getting really creative spells and follow them. Also, if I sit and think about a designing project all week I will never decide on exactly what to do. I will think it is not good enough, or want to add more. But if I just do it and follow my gut, it always turns out good. I just over worry myself sometimes. Being in school has helped me out a lot with setting more routines, being organized and has made me mature a lot. If I would have went to college right when I graduated, I would not have made my homework my main priority because I am 100% positive that I was not mature yet. I am happy I waited and get to attend Full Sail and put my all into my work.

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