Skate Company Logo



For this project, we were instructed to create a logo for a fictional skateboard company. We were to choose a theme of mythology. We were then able to choose the colors, target audience, name of the company, etc.  I chose to represent the brand with the Nemean Lion, a creature from Greek mythology. When Hercules was punished and sentenced to perform near impossible labors for Eurystheus, his 1st labor was to defeat the Nemean Lion, a ferocious lion with golden fur that acted as a shield and could not be pierced by mortal weapons and claws so sharp that they could cut through any armor. I chose to have the brand represented by the lion, because although skateboarders are often stereotyped and misunderstood, the bashing of the activity just bounces off of them like the arrows just bounced off of the lions shield of fur. Also, the strength that the lion portrays also represents the strength of the product and brand itself.

CD Cover


desert image



This is one of my first big projects which came from my Design and Art Theory class. We were to choose an existing artist and create the front cover, back cover and CD label. We were not to use any pictures of the artist. I chose Miranda Lambert’s Four the Record album, and this is one of the projects that I think I had a great idea for and would love to rework sometime soon. I included some of the assets I used.


I am a really bad procrastinator and I absolutely hate it. When it is Monday and I know I have homework, it bugs me while I do other things because in the back of my mind I know I need to be doing my homework first. I have no internet at my house, so I have to go to my boyfriends, moms or grandmas to do homework, so what I have been doing lately is doing it all in one day. It may seem unorganized to do it that way, but for some reason it helps me think a lot better. When I am in the zone doing homework, I just want to keep going. I don’t want to stop and break my mood. I just start getting really creative spells and follow them. Also, if I sit and think about a designing project all week I will never decide on exactly what to do. I will think it is not good enough, or want to add more. But if I just do it and follow my gut, it always turns out good. I just over worry myself sometimes. Being in school has helped me out a lot with setting more routines, being organized and has made me mature a lot. If I would have went to college right when I graduated, I would not have made my homework my main priority because I am 100% positive that I was not mature yet. I am happy I waited and get to attend Full Sail and put my all into my work.


There is an issue that I have been running into while doing homework assignments. Here it is: If I have an assignment that requires the creation of a poster or logo, etc., is it okay to use some things off of the internet? For example, if I have to make a logo for a made up amusement ride, and it is all my own creation but I use little designs like a decoration or another example is the design in the picture on my header. I chose the flowery design, but I changed the color and flipped them around and such. I understand I cannot fully say that this design is mine, but is it still okay for a homework assignment or is it considered plagiarism if I use it within my design? I think that is very confusing to decide what is plagiarism and what is not with design. I simply do not have time to create every little detail for a design right now, of course I will later for my portfolio to keep and use later.  Other than that, I really am improving week by week and I am becoming way more confident in myself. When I first enrolled for classes I was so nervous because I have no artistic skills at all really, but I can truly say I am happy with my progress. Except sometimes when I am running behind schedule for my homework assignments and have to half heartedly finish an assignment. But I think that my schooling is going great and I am very proud to say I am a student of Full Sail University.

Thoughts on Design

This is my second post as being a blogger and it is a little confusing. It seems a little like some social networking sites but just a little different, so I am still getting used to it. I am trying to keep the postings only about design for my assignment, but I feel like I am just repeating what I talked about in my last post. So, I am just going to try to extend my last post.

            I had an assignment that required sketching and I am terrible at drawing! About the only thing I can draw are stick figures, which sometimes discourages me a little because most of the people in design classes are very swell drawers. Although I am having a hard time getting the artistic terms down, my creativeness is surely opening up more since I have been in school. Every time I look at anything that has to do with design, I am always thinking of ways to improve it, or how they could come up with something so creative or even how and what program they used to create it. Although it is taking a while to completely open up my creative sense, I am getting there. 

            I also first had some doubts when I first started school that this wasn’t for me, because I wasn’t very creative at all. But the more assignments we have that require creativity, the more I feel comfortable. I am very happy that I am attending this program now and looking forward to what the Graphic Design career will hold for me.  

creating a designer mind

This is going to take some getting used to so bare with me!

I am 22 years old and have lived my whole life in the small town of Frankton, Indiana.
I am currently attending Full Sail University for an online Bachelor’s Degree in Graphic Design. I love Graphic Design, but I am really having a hard time adapting to having a ‘designer mind’ because I have never really thought of myself as a designer. I don’t really understand certain terms used a lot and am really just trying to do my research to understand the art/design world. I never even knew what Graphic Design was until I was in high school and took a computer applications class and it consisted of web design and graphic design, and I had never liked any other class so much! I have thought about different career paths but everything I tried to pursue was just of no interest to me. I understand a job is a job, but I don’t think I could have a career doing something I do not have a passion for.

With that being said, I am so happy I am finally attending school to pursue my dreams!